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(480) 541-5801

Tax Credit Donations

Give Akimel A-al Middle School Students the Credit!


Under Arizona State Law ARS43-1089.01, Arizona taxpayers can get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit when they donate up to $400 per year ($400 for joint return, $200 for individual return). Corporate and/or business checks are not eligible. A.R.S. 43-1089(E) defines extra curricular activities as school-sponsored activities that supplement the school’s educational program and require enrolled students to pay a fee in order to participate.*

Please consider making a tax credit donation to Akimel A-al Middle School and help support the many great extra-curricular opportunities available for our students. 

One of the programs supported by tax credit donations is Learning Lab. Through tax credit donations, we are able to offer academic assistance to students each morning, Monday-Friday.  This has been a great benefit for many of our students.

Donations may be made by completing a tax credit donation form and bringing or mailing it, along with your check to Akimel A-al Middle School. You can also make your donation online at the Kyrene School District website link below. All donations made online will be deposited into the "General" account. If you wish to donate a particular Extracurricular Activity, please fill out the form and turn it in to the Akimel A-al School Secretary.

During the last legislative session, the deadline for tax-credit donations was changed from December 31 to April 15. You now have until April 15, 2018 to make a tax credit donation to a school or student activity of your choice. 

*Please consult with your tax consultant regarding this contribution. This information should not be considered legal advice.

NOTE: Refunds cannot be made on tax credit donations.